WOT Replay Parser

by Darryll Rohr - Copyright 2012

WOT Replay Parser

While playing World of Tanks, I have often wondered how random the match maker is on selecting maps. I have also wondered if there is any sort of pattern or consistency on which tanks are selected for which maps. After enabling the replays, I realized that the file names contain data that can be parsed to find this information.

So, I created a Perl script that parses the wot replay file names and shows the frequency of maps played, the frequency of tanks played, the frequency of tanks per map, and the frequency of maps per tank. (sample output can be seen below).

Be sure to view the readme file for complete information on this tool including how to customize settings.

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, you can email me at (darryllrohr at gmail dot com).

WOT Replay Parser is free.

Download the latest version HERE

View the latest readme HERE

You will need WINRAR or another extracting tool to unzip the WOT Replay Parser file.

You will need PERL to run the WOT Replay Parser.